2023年永利集团88304官网暑期课程公告 ——《植物发育及分子生物学》












上课时间:7月10日 – 7月15日  

上午8:00~11:00  (北京时间)



July 10 (Monday) Juan Dong (Rutgers)

Instructor local time: July th 20:00~23:00 (UTC-4EDT: New Jersey Time)

Stem Cell Biology – case studies in stomatal development

Lecture 1: Transcription factors and chromatin regulators

Lecture 2: Signaling and cell-to-cell communication

Instructor local time July th 7:00~10:00 (UTC-4EDT: New Jersey Time)

Lecture 3: Cell polarity and asymmetric cell division

Lecture 4: Cell biological perspectives and methods in plant development


July 11 (Tuesday) Yunde Zhao (UCSD)

Instructor local time: July th 17:00~20:00 (UTC -7PDT: California Time)

Auxin biology and gene editing 

Lecture 1: Gene editing in plants: challenges and solutions 

Lecture 2: Auxin biosynthesis 

Instructor local time July th 4:00~7:00 (UTC -7PDT: California Time)

Lecture 3: Auxin inactivation 

Lecture 4: Auxin signaling 


July 12 (Thursday) Hong Qiao (University of Texas at Austin)

Instructor local time: July th 19:00~22:00 (UTC-5CDT: Austin Time)

Interplay between plant hormone and chromatin regulation 

Lecture 1: Plant hormones I

Lecture 2: Plant hormones II

Instructor local time: July th 6:00~9:00 (UTC-5CDT: Austin Time)

Lecture 3: chromatin regulation in plant hormone  I

Lecture 4: chromatin regulation in plant hormone II


July 13 (Wednesday) Chentao Lin (FAFU)

Photoreceptors and plant development

Lecture 1: Photoreceptors and plant development

Lecture 2: Cryptochrome photoreceptors 

Lecture 3: Mechanisms of CRY signaling and regulation

Lecture 4: The interplay of transcriptome, epitranscriptome, translatome, and proteome


July 14 (Friday) Xingwang Deng (PKU)

Plant world and our food crops

Lecture 1:  The magic world of plants

Lecture 2:  Plants and their interaction with environments

Lecture 3:  The crop domestication

Lecture 4:  The molecular design breeding of crops



Section 1: July 15th 7:55~12:00 Beijing time

7:55 -8:00:Coordinator林辰涛

Student time (Beijing)                         

8:00 - 9:00:         张启发

9:00 - 10:00:       明瑞光

10:00 - 11:00:     谢旗

11:00 - 12:00:     王海洋


Section 2: July 15th 14:00~18:15 Beijing time

Coordinator:       邓兴旺

Student time (Beijing)                  

14:00 – 15:00:     杨贞标

15:00 – 16:00:     孔凡江

16:00 – 17:00:     王旭

17:00 – 18:00:     钟上威

18:00 – 18:15: Closing remark 邓兴旺





​     注册截至时间:6月20日







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