永利集团88304官网《农业经济学前沿讲座系列》 暨CCAP国际知名学者讲座第108期

题  目:  Achieving Agricultural Sustainability in the Presence of Globalization
报告人:    Prof. Thomas W. Hertel
               Purdue University
时    间:    2018年9月27日(周四),下午3:30-5:00
地    点:    北京大学英杰交流中心二楼第八会议室

报告人简介:Thomas Hertel is Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University, where his research and teaching focus on international trade, climate change, food and environmental security. Dr. Hertel is a Fellow, and a Past-President, of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA). He is also a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Hertel is the founder and Executive Director of the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) which now encompasses more than 15,000 researchers in 170 countries around the world (www.gtap.org). This Project maintains a global economic data base and an applied general equilibrium modeling framework which are documented in the book: Global Trade Analysis: Modeling and Applications, edited by Dr. Hertel, and published by Cambridge University Press. He has supervised more than forty PhD students and published more than 120 peer reviewed journal articles, along with several dozen book chapters as well as four books. Professor Hertel is the inaugural recipient of the Purdue University Research and Scholarship Distinction Award. He has also received a number of AAEA awards including: Publication of Enduring Quality, Distinguished Policy Contribution, Outstanding Journal Article and Quality of Communication. He has also been Advisor to two Outstanding AAEA PhD and MS theses.
摘要:Recent trade frictions notwithstanding, the global economy is becoming increasing integrated and this poses challenges – as well as opportunities – for achieving agricultural sustainability. In this talk, I will explore the interplay between international trade and the food and environmental security outcomes from a range of local and regional policy interventions. For these purposes, I will employ a Global-Local-Global framework which permits assessment of the contribution of global drivers to local sustainability stresses, as well as analysis of the regional and global impacts of local sustainability policies. The talk will conclude with an introduction to GLASS, a new institution for the coordination and advancement of data, models and tools for Global to Local Analysis of Systems Sustainability.