Email:Jizong Wang



The research field:


Research area

Structure and function of biomacromolecules in plants


Principal investigator, assistant professor



  • 8. 2011 – 6. 2016, Ph.D in Biophysics, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University.
  • 9. 2007 – 6. 2011, B.S. of Biological Sciences, College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China.

Research Experience

  • 7. 2020 – present, Assistant professor, School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Peking University.
  • 7. 2016 – 12. 2019, Advanced Innovation Fellow, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Structural Biology, and Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University.


Research interests

Currently we focus our research interests on two facets: (1) the molecular mechanisms underlying plant phytochromes sensing red/far-red light and assembling their early signaling complexes; (2) how the cell surface anchored receptor-like kinases percieve the assorted endogenous and exogenous signals.



1.Sheng Zhong*, Ling Li*, Zhijuan Wang*, Zengxiang Ge*, Qiyun Li*, Andrea Bleckmann, Jizong Wang, Zihan Song, Yihao Shi, Tianxu Liu, Luhan Li, Huabin Zhou, Yanyan Wang, Li Zhang, Hen-Ming Wu, Luhua Lai, Hongya Gu, Juan Dong, Alice Y. Cheung, Thomas Dresselhaus, Li-Jia Qu (2022). RALF peptide signaling controls the polytubey block in Arabidopsis. Science  375(6578): 290-296.

2.Guozhi Bi*, Min Su*, Nan Li*, Yu Liang, Song Dang, Jiachao Xu, Meijuan Hu, Jizong Wang, Minxia Zou, Yanan Deng, Qiyu Li, Shijia Huang, Jiejie Li, Jijie Chai, Kangmin He, Yu-hang Chen, Jian-Min Zhou (2021). The ZAR1 resistosome is a calcium-permeable channel triggering plant immune signaling. Cell, 184: 3528–3541.

3.Jizong Wang, Jijie Chai (2020). Structural insights into the plant immune receptors PRRs and NLRs. Plant Physiology 182(4):1566-1581. (invited review)

4.Jizong Wang, Jijie Chai (2020). Molecular actions of NLR immune receptors in plants and animals. Science China Life Sciences 63(9):1303-1316. (invited review)

5.Jizong Wang*, Meijuan Hu*, Jia Wang*, Jinfeng Qi, Zhifu Han, Guoxun Wang, Yijun Qi, Hong-Wei Wang, Jian-Min Zhou, Jijie Chai (2019). Reconstitution and structure of a plant NLR resistosome conferring immunity. Science 364(6435), pii: eaav5870.

6.Jizong Wang*, Jia Wang*, Meijuan Hu*, Shan Wu, Jinfeng Qi, Guoxun Wang, Zhifu Han, Yijun Qi, Ning Gao, Hong-Wei Wang, Jian-Min Zhou, Jijie Chai (2019). Ligand-triggered allosteric ADP release primes a plant NLR complex. Science 364(6435), pii: eaav5868.

7.Jizong Wang, Guangzhong Lin, Rui Ma, Zhifu Han, Jijie Chai (2018). Structural insight into recognition of plant peptide hormones by plant receptor kinases. In: Hejátko J., Hakoshima T. (eds) Plant Structural Biology: Hormonal Regulations. Springer, Cham. (invited review)

8.Simiao Liu*, Jizong Wang*, Zhifu Han, Xinqi Gong, Heqiao Zhang, Jijie Chai (2016). Molecular mechanism for fungal cell wall recognition by rice chitin receptor OsCEBiP. Structure 24(7): 1192-1200.

9.Jizong Wang*, Hongju Li*, Zhifu Han, Heqiao Zhang, Tong Wang, Guangzhong Lin, Junbiao Chang, Weicai Yang, Jijie Chai (2015). Allosteric receptor activation by the plant peptide hormone phytosulfokine. Nature 525(7568): 265-268.